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6 Top Languages to Use in Back-End Web Development in 2022

Within the next few years, it is expected that the demand for web development professionals will increase exponentially. It is because businesses are increasingly looking to build websites as an online marketing platform which implies that back-end web development is becoming essential in building complex solutions that meet company branding standards and user expectations.

If you have been wondering what languages will be most in-demand in 2022, look no further than this blog post! In this blog post, we’ll discuss some top languages you should learn if you want to succeed in back-end web development in 2022.

Introduction to Back-End Languages

Back-end languages are usually used in web applications that require heavy data processing. They are commonly used with databases and handle data manipulation, such as storing and retrieving data.

Some back-end languages, like Java and Python, can run on their own and are not tied to a specific application. Others, like PHP and Ruby, are more prone to being integrated into web applications. Regardless of the language being used, they all rely on the same basic process; reading data from a source (such as a database) and writing it to a destination (a web page).

Back-end languages can be divided into two categories:

  • Server-Side Languages

Server-side languages are closer to programming languages. Server-side languages have several advantages over client-side languages as they run on servers instead of browsers and are easier to scale because there’s no need for high I/O operations.

  • Client-Side Languages

Client-side languages are closer to scripting languages. some advantages of client-side languages are that they’re easier to use for beginners, faster, and more secure.

6 Top Languages to Use in Back-end Web Development

We have compiled a list of the six most beneficial languages for back-end web development:

1. Python

The Python programming language is one of the most popular languages used in data science. It is a high-level programming language to automate tasks and solve problems.

Python has a broad range of applications, including engineering, scientific research, web development, and more.

Another pro of Python is that this programming language is easy to learn, and it has a large community of developers who are willing to help. It also has a fantastic ecosystem that provides numerous Python libraries and has a clear roadmap for future features.

Developers use Python in back-end web development for automating tasks and solving problems. Moreover, it is also used for data sciences, artificial intelligence, and many more. Python can also be automated using frameworks, and it is also amazing for writing system code.

2. JavaScript

JavaScript is one of the most popular languages that you can use for back-end web development. It is an object-oriented programming language with a strong focus on web development. Compared to other languages, it is easy to learn and is not as complicated. It makes it ideal for beginners.

JavaScript is also used for creating desktop and mobile apps. When combined with HTML and CSS, you can create websites and apps that run across all platforms. JavaScript is an easy-to-use and quick language to learn.

3. Java

Java is a programming language that has been around for over two decades. You can use it for web development, app development, artificial intelligence, and much more. It is an object-oriented programming language with a strong focus on code readability. It is ideal for beginners and those who want to code for long hours without fatigue. Another plus of Java is its strong community of developers willing to help you with any troubles.

Even after being around for more than 2 decades, Java is still a popular language for back-end development. Some experts predict that in 2022, the demand for Java will increase significantly. Java is a good language for developing scalable back-end solutions that can handle large amounts of data. It is a highly structured language, so great for building APIs and software systems.

4. C++

C++ is a programming language that focuses on object-oriented programming. It is a widely-used programming language and has helped many developers get started in computer science. You can use it for back-end web development, creating apps, artificial intelligence, and much more. C++ is a challenging programming language to learn, but you can use online courses or books to help you get started. C++ is the successor to the older programming language.

A good thing about C++ is that you don’t have to learn it from scratch as many online courses and books can help you understand this language.

5. PHP

PHP is a scripting language used for creating dynamic web pages. Like JavaScript, it is an object-oriented programming language used for creating apps and websites. The main difference between PHP and JavaScript is that it is designed to work as a server-side language. It means the webpages you create with PHP are never seen by the client but used by the website instead.

6. Ruby on Rails

The demand for Ruby on Rails has increased significantly in the past few years. It is because more and more businesses are looking to integrate their websites with the business logic of apps. Rails is a popular web application framework that many developers use. It is easy to learn and has a strong community. It also has robust security features, so it is great for building secure applications.

Its modern framework is widely used for creating web applications. You can use this framework for creating apps, API development, and much more.


That concludes our list of the top languages to use in back-end web development in 2022. Back-end web development has seen a lot of growth in the past few years due to the increased demand for web and mobile applications.

If you want to become a successful back-end web developer, you should learn the best back-end languages for web development to help you in your career.

In this article, we have discussed some of the most popular back-end programming languages so, we hope you have a better understanding of where to start. Good luck!

The post 6 Top Languages to Use in Back-End Web Development in 2022 appeared first on SiteProNews.

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