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Copywriting Trends of 2022 with OtterPR’s Sam Johnson

Subjectively speaking, effective copywriting may be the most crucial aspect of a marketing plan. Copy is the voice of a business and how brands engage with consumers. Bad copywriting can stop engagement cold in its tracks. Conversely, great copywriting can elevate a brand and change the trajectory of an entire business. Between 2020 and 2021, copywriting has proven essential for brands looking to cut through the virtual noise and achieve digital recognition.

Copywriting trends can shift with changing times. Even five short years ago, methods that may have worked well are now outdated and will fail to effectively convert customers. The marketing industry’s consistent ebb and flow means copywriters need to find and creatively draft content that helps brands and businesses stand out from their competition.

Here are some examples of copywriting trends to keep an eye out for in 2022:

1. Know the Importance of SEO

Five years ago, copywriters could get away with knowing less about SEO (Search Engine Optimization) than other marketing professionals; this is no longer the case. SEO evolves each year, and with key changes to Google’s search engine algorithm having been implemented last year, the focus is no longer on the quantity of content being produced but on its quality.

Going into 2022, copywriters should focus on creating authoritative content that seeks to solve the pain points of a brand’s customer base. Unique content disseminated via high-quality sites is a sure-fire way to improve your brand’s SEO-friendly content. Gone are the days of just slapping random keywords on a page hoping something sticks. Today’s algorithms are far more complex. In order to get ahead, copywriters need to get creative. Google maintains that they seek to reward great, quality content, making talented copywriters more necessary than ever.

2. Pay Heed to AI (Artificial Intelligence) and Machine Learning

Creatively-minded professionals, like copywriters or marketers, may not think they need to worry about their jobs being taken over by “robots.” Regardless, technology has advanced to the point where that may not be closer to the truth down the road. AI and machine learning are rapidly evolving. AI chatbots have become a familiar addition to many business websites. Content written by AI still falls short. AI-generated written content is often nonsensical and is likely still a few years away from being indistinguishable from content written by humans. There is still room for creative content-creation by flesh-and-bone human beings, but those human beings would be well-advised not to discount the rise of AI.

If a business is looking to improve the use of AI in content, copywriters should look to improve the scripts and interpersonal language used by AI, such as chatbots. This is to emulate human interaction and intelligence better when customers quickly answer their questions. Even if customers know they’re interacting with a bot, they don’t always want the interaction to feel robotic.

3. Nurture and Continue to Engage With Current Customers

Marketers know that retaining current customers is more cost-effective than reeling in new ones. Consistently producing high-quality and engaging written content can translate into upsells and new customer referrals. If marketers haven’t hopped on the email newsletter train yet, they should as soon as possible, beginning with converting social media followers to email subscribers. Copywriters can then engage with those converted customers on a more personalized level, retaining them in the process.

When considering what type of copy resonates with customers, it helps to look inward. As copywriters, we know what sounds forced or manufactured. When content isn’t authentic, it doesn’t resonate as well with readers. Current customers who have enjoyed your content in the past and continue to follow your business deserve to have consistently authentic and personalized content. Meeting their expectations will offer your business greater engagement, conversion, and longevity going forward.

4. Personal and Interactive Content That Converts

Along with highly personal content, interactive content will continue to be popular with consumers in 2022. For example, integrating items like surveys, quizzes, or gamified content on your website will set it apart from sites with less interactive components that seek merely to inform, rather than engage. As consumer markets have advanced over the past few years, gamified content has become a popular way for businesses to grow their target market. This trend won’t be going away anytime soon, and some more creative copywriters may even find a specialized niche in creating high-quality interactive content for brands moving forward into 2022.

Could your business’ copy use a tune-up? Familiarizing yourself with what’s new and emerging in copywriting will allow your business to always be on the cutting edge of engagement and brand marketing, consistently converting and building a base of loyal fans.

The post Copywriting Trends of 2022 with OtterPR’s Sam Johnson appeared first on SiteProNews.

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