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Why your Website Must be Mobile-Friendly

It’s not shocking that people spend a lot of time on their phones each day, and according to Statista, an estimated 47.8 billion is spent on mobile eCommerce. Popular search engines like Google are favoring mobile-responsive websites, meaning that your website could rank higher on search engines. 

It’s important to stay on top of the latest developments and understand why they are important. So, let’s talk about what a mobile-friendly website entails and why it’s key to the growth of your business. 

What is a Mobile-Friendly Website?

A mobile-friendly website is one that loads quickly on smartphones and tablets and is pretty responsive. They are designed to display properly on smaller screens, such as iPhones, Androids, or tablets. The content and overall appearance of a mobile-friendly website includes:

  • Larger text which is easier to read
  • Mobile-friendly navigation
  • Site speed & responsiveness
  • Page speed
  • Overall design and functionality
  • Touch friendly buttons & page elements 
  • Ability to contact company via mobile website

The reason why these are so important is because mobile-friendly websites allow businesses to reach and expand their audience. Taking into consideration that the majority of people have smartphones, it only makes sense to create a mobile-friendly site that loads fast and provides a seamless experience for the user. 

Stay on Top of the Competition

It is likely that your competitors already have a mobile-friendly website, which is why it’s even more important for your business to have one. If users cannot quickly and easily access your website, they will move on and likely won’t revisit. Put yourself in your customer’s shoes, would you want to browse an unresponsive and slow website? Probably not, so make sure that your customers are getting the right experience. 

Maintain a Positive Reputation

The decision to provide a mobile-friendly experience does in fact affect your reputation. In the eyes of your customers, a slow-loading, unresponsive mobile site is going to stick with them for a while. They might even tell their family and friends about it. Overall, it doesn’t necessarily send a good first impression to your customers, and you will be better off providing an experience that they will remember. If your site is efficient on mobile devices, you are able to reach a wider audience, leading to happier customers who will have a more positive outlook on your brand.

Improve Your SEO

There are a ton of SEO-related benefits that can stem from having a mobile-friendly website. In fact, a mobile-friendly site will boost your ranking on Google, which can lead to more exposure, resulting in increased leads and conversions. A non-mobile responsive website will take a hit on your click-through rate, which is when users click out of a site that is not responding well. Considering the fact that Google ranks sites based on mobile-friendliness, it’s crucial to your business. 

Creating a Better User Experience 

Considering that more than half of website traffic is done on smartphones, you’re going to want to take into account the experience that your customers are receiving. When it comes to digital marketing, the user experience should always come first. It’s crucial to understand what your audience wants, and deliver the right results. After all, your customers are the driving force behind your sales and revenue. 

A website that is mobile-friendly gives your customers an enjoyable and memorable experience. This creates positive relationships with your brand, which increases customer loyalty and a higher likelihood that your customers will recommend you to their family and friends. So, make decisions based on the user experience and how that impacts your brand. 

Mobile Users Act Differently  

Users tend to act a little bit differently on mobile devices as opposed to computers. Users are more likely to use their smartphones while they are bored, connecting with friends, and purchasing products. Since users are more likely to be browsing the web on their smartphones, it only makes sense to provide the right experience for them. According to perficient, mobile devices drove 61% of visits to websites in the USA in 2020. You risk missing out on a lot of opportunities if your website is not mobile-friendly. 

The Time to Go Mobile Is Now!

Now that you understand the many reasons why mobile-friendly websites are essential to the growth of your business, it’s up to you to make the final decision. Going mobile provides more business opportunities, can increase your revenue, create better customer relationships, and solidify your brand and reputation. If you feel like you don’t have time for it, or don’t know where to start, contact a professional and experienced web design agency that can make a reliable mobile-friendly website for your business.

The post Why your Website Must be Mobile-Friendly appeared first on SiteProNews.

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