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How Does Technology Impact Student Learning?

Until recently, teachers believed that the introduction of technology to education was impractical and would contribute to the deterioration of the quality of the educational process. Many teachers were convinced that the use of digital technologies would lead to a decrease in students’ concentration, leading to difficulties with the assimilation of educational material. Some evidence for these statements was produced by researchers, proving that the use of mobile phones and laptops could affect social interaction.

Technology and students: a new approach 

In recent years, the approach to understanding digital technologies has been rethought and teachers have concluded that digital education can create new learning opportunities including personalized training and new cooperation models. Besides, the range of innovative learning strategies for students is becoming wider. Technology in education is not just about the use of digital devices: it is a tool that facilitates interaction between the teacher and the student, increasing effectiveness and therefore the quality of the educational process.

Six Positive Effects of Technology on Education

1. Technology eliminates the classroom walls

Thanks to modern technologies, the learning process can now take place outside the classroom. There are various applications such as Zoom and Microsoft Teams which allow teachers to conduct lessons remotely. The effectiveness of this method of distance learning was proved in 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic, when teaching was compelled to move to an online model, allowing students to participate in lectures and colloquiums without leaving their homes.

2. Technology provides students with easy access to any information or source

Nowadays, less learning material is available in libraries or stores, but thanks to the Internet, every student has the opportunity to gain access to the required textbooks. With the use of digital copies, the learning process becomes more dynamic and students are less likely to fall victim to boredom when they can easily link to various materials or resources. Additionally, digital textbooks allow the reader to highlight words, sentences and paragraphs of interest, and to add notes directly onto the screen.

The use of technology for project activities allows students to achieve significantly enhanced results. Technology enables teachers to implement new models of learning, one of the most popular being reverse learning. This involves the teacher allocating a topic for independent study and then testing students to determine the level of assimilation of the material. Discussions with the students follow, so that all possible gaps in knowledge are covered.

3. Technology helps to ensure the active involvement of students in the learning process

Online surveys and other digital tools encourage students to engage with the learning process. This is especially helpful for those who are shy, or hesitant, or have difficulty taking the initiative. Digital technologies allow teachers to receive regular feedback, for example by devising online questionnaires to collate data on student satisfaction. Analysis of this data is helpful in identifying any issues and directing teachers to provide assistance to those students most in need. Additionally, student feedback signposts the areas in which students can compete so that teachers can adjust group work accordingly.

4. Technology allows teachers to automate or simplify the performance of their duties

Automation can simplify the execution of time-consuming tasks such as attendance tracking. As well, the use of electronic journals to monitor student performance has become widespread allowing both students and their parents to keep track of current grades. Modern technologies simplify the systematization and selection of individual tasks and help to track students’ participation in classroom discussions, etc.

Most teachers now use video presentations during lectures. These presentations engage the students’ attention and diversify the presentation of educational material. An added bonus is that they save teachers time and effort when preparing for classes.

5. Technology trains students to work with sources

Most students are already familiar with the Internet and have no difficulty locating the required sites. Very popular with students nowadays are essay writing services, and one of the most popular is writemyessays.me. These sites aim to help people with essay writing, proofreading, or editing. They also publish numerous education and technology articles for students.

It is clear that technologies expand methods of communication and create productive learning environments. For example, students can participate in social media forums that discuss academic issues, particularly useful when they are working on group projects. What is more, teachers can also take part in these conversations. Additionally, textbooks, notes, and links to online resources can be freely shared. 

6. The ability to use technology is a soft skill

The modern world requires everyone to have the basic skills to work in a digital environment. It is not just about the ability to work in PowerPoint or Zoom but also the ability to use sites such as Google correctly. Acquiring digital skills also includes learning the etiquette of online communication which is vital, not only to aid learning, but also in informal, routine tasks. The same applies to cryptocurrency and the best crypto hardware wallet, both of which are becoming increasingly prominent. Digital skills are not just about being able to use convenient apps, they are now essential to education and therefore, must feature in the forefront of educational systems.


Technology can be a very effective educational tool, but it is only a tool. It is not intended to replace teachers or studying. Furthermore, digital technologies are not in the business of ruining the learning process, quite the opposite: their goal is to aid teachers to create the optimum learning environment. Used wisely, technology can enhance the student experience and help them to achieve excellent results.


Iren D. is a full-time freelance writer. She's working on the writemyessays.me blog to benefit students and pupils with useful and up-to-date information.

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