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Best Shopify Plugins

Shopify is a straightforward approach to operate an online store which explains why more than 500,000 merchants utilize Shopify tools for their sites. The Shopify platform takes care of everything from marketing and payments to secure checkout and shipping. When you have your Shopify store going, there are considerably more approaches to make it stand out and help you get more value from the platform. The Shopify App Store includes an enormous assortment of free and premium plugins to help you develop your business. Filtering through all these plugins can feel somewhat overwhelming but don’t stress. We are here to help. We gathered a few of the must-have best Shopify plugins for 2021, sure to drive sales and growth.

HubSpot CRM

HubSpot CRM is all you require to organize, track, and sustain your leads and customers. And best of all, it’s 100% free for eternity. The HubSpot Shopify application matches your online store data into HubSpot and utilizes it to personalize and computerize your marketing campaigns. HubSpot permits you to push your sales and marketing strategy by sending messages to visitors who’ve abandoned their cart items on your site so you can direct them toward a purchase. HubSpot CRM tracks the entirety of your interactions with your customers and all the data related naturally gets stored in a clean timeline. This will help you better tailor your approach when connecting with prospects.

Sendinblue for Shopify

The expression “the money is in the list” is used a lot in the marketing scene. Why? Since acquiring your leads, you need to support them with a valuable email marketing tool. The more individuals you add to your email list, the more odds of conversion you have. The Sendinblue plugin for Shopify is 100% free to utilize and requires no coding skills to execute. With it, you can analyze a wide range of email statistics within your Shopify climate, section your email contacts dependent on their past purchases, and more. 

It’s probably the simplest approach to bring your marketing and lead nurturing strategies together. According to the company, it just requires 10 minutes to set up your Shopify/Sendinblue integration.


Spocket is a Shopify plugin that tries to make business simple for US and EU drop shippers. Through the Spocket marketplace, you can search for ideal products dependent on your particular parameters. It’s also possible to continue with suppliers who are nearest to your store’s customers. With time, you’ll decrease your general item shipping times to keep your buyers happy. Spocket is also very useful with respect to Shopify dropshipping computerization. Its single-click import feature permits you to add limitless products along with their descriptions and images. Likewise, you can depend on its request satisfaction functionalities to naturally send your customers’ details to the corresponding suppliers. And to enhance all that, Spocket has a constant inventory update feature.


Live chat is quite possibly the most well-known communication channel for visitors to your Shopify store, and Userlike is one of the leading solutions. Instead of searching for your email or telephone number, your visitors can begin a chat with you with only a single click. Unlike telephone and email, the ongoing and on-location nature of live chat permits you to control your visitors throughout their whole website experience, from landing page to checkout. This allows you to clear up inquiries, create leads and raise your conversion rates. Userlike has loads of amazing features, including full chat window adaptability, canned messages, and intelligent routing. Userlike additionally offers chatbots and integrations with messaging applications like WhatsApp. Adding Userlike integration for Shopify is basic and free. You’ll be fully operational in minutes.

Free Shipping Bar

As a customer, how frequently do you add a couple more items to your cart to get that always desired free shipping? We have all done it. Luckily, Shopify has a plugin precisely for this. The Free Shipping Bar application is a path for store owners to add a completely adjustable bar displaying a free shipping offer. According to recent data, 88% of consumers would shop at a website if they were promised free shipping. This plugin will cost you nothing and will help support sales and increase normal cart value.

The above are awesome Shopify plugins and an ideal opportunity to take your online store to the next level. Most require only seconds to install and can boost conversions and signups. All of them have varied features and functions but are intended to increase sales. We understand that picking the best applications for your site may appear difficult without experience and testing, but our plugin list should simplify the task. 


Amit Bhosle is a blogger and social media expert. I enjoy jotting down ideas and facts, and in the endeavour of doing the same, I come up with various articles on topics related to Social Media and WordPress. You can check out my content on Belgeard.

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