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How to Craft a Landing Page that Converts in 2021

The marketing world has many tools that can help marketers get what they want. One of the most overused tools to achieving your marketing objectives is landing pages. 

A landing page is a web page created specifically for marketing or advertising campaigns. Usually, landing pages are designed with a single goal in mind. 

But how can you create a high-converting landing page?

The answer is simple. You need to have a specific structure that will help you produce better results. So let’s get started.

5 Steps to Create a High-Converting Page

Several online tools can help you create a landing page without being a designer or developer. This article will explore what elements you need to have to ensure your landing page converts.

State your Value Proposition in the Header

Your unique selling proposition is that sweet aspect that makes your product or service special. Think of how you can present the solution your offering as different from all the competition.

Landing pages need to communicate this proposition effectively so that your visitors immediately understand what makes your brand appealing. To do this, your headline needs to be on point because most people have a limited attention span.

If you don’t encourage your readers to continue reading from the beginning, you will lose them before they convert into customers. 

Everyone has a different value proposition, so it’s challenging to determine what will work best but keep in mind these elements when crafting your next headline:

  • Bold to make a statement
  • Short 
  • To the point
  • 7-8 words (6 ideally)

But, you may ask… how am I supposed to give value with only six words? That’s where your subheading is essential to add that little extra that will provide additional information to your initial statement.

Remember, though, that the headline needs to stand alone to ensure that you have the best results.

Use visuals to make them compelling

The visual part of a landing page is crucial for conversions. It can be a hero image or a video that your visitors will see when entering your landing page.

Try to convey emotion with your visuals and choose the one that complements the heading and the subheading. Avoid using stock images and focus on portraying the context of use for your product or service.

A pro tip here is to test out your visuals before you use them. Upload them on social media to understand what converts best and has the best engagement. 

See what works and craft a unique visual that has the same characteristics.

Highlight your best features and benefits

With landing pages, you need to have supporting copy beyond the headline. The key here is to focus on describing specific benefits along with features.

People want to understand more about your product or service, so it’s essential to have some of the features, but typically they want to hear the benefits.

Benefits are what will make them take that extra step and buy from you. Typically you have to show them how you solve their problem. Let them know how it will save them time or how it can make their process more manageable.

Create a strong Call-to-Action

Αs we mentioned earlier, a landing page should have one conversion goal. By the time someone gets the whole story and understands why they should buy your product or service, you have your call to action. That should be after your headline, visuals, and your benefits section.

To your visitor, this call-to-action can be either a button for a clickthrough page or a form for lead generation designed on your landing page.

There are several advanced resources about creating the optimal CTAs, but let’s explore together three of the most fundamental:

  • Avoid using buttons with text like “SUBMIT” or “CLICK HERE.” Let your visitors know precisely what they’ll be getting by using conversational language (“START MY FREE TRIAL” or “JOIN OUR FREE WEBINAR”).
  • Keep forms as concise and short as possible and reassure that the data they provide is safe. (comply with GDPR).
  • An optimal CTA is quite a difficult task so ensure to A/B Test this button because slight differences can have a drastic impact on your conversion rates. 

Include Testimonials or other Social Proof

Social proof is a psychological and social effect that pushes people to copy others’ actions to be part of a team. 

On a landing page, social proof can take several forms:

  1. Direct reviews from customers
  2. Case studies
  3. Video testimonials
  4. Logos of customer companies
  5. Review scores from sites like Capterra or Amazon

Social proof is an essential tool in your arsenal, but you must follow two guidelines to make it work.

Some companies add fake testimonials as part of their strategy. Of course, you can do that, but people will find out that this social proof isn’t real and it will harm you in the long run.

The second element you need to pay attention to when adding social proof is to ensure that it is as precise as possible. Whenever possible, give specific details so that potential buyers can identify with people who already bought from you.

Pro Tip: Make your testimonials more convincing by including customer names and photographs instead of stock content.

Landing Page Best Practices

We explained how to craft a high-converting landing page, but the truth is that the process is more complicated than it seems. Nowadays, you can create a beautiful landing page with a drag and drop builder without being a developer. 

To achieve the complete package, follow the tips above and add the spicy tips below to help you take your landing pages to the next level.

The Takeaway

This article will help you craft the next high-converting landing page that will boost your conversions and help you grow your business. It’s crucial to understand each of the sections above in-depth and why they are vital for your page’s success.

To sum up, craft a landing page with a bold statement for the headline, a beautiful visual, add the benefits and features and close with a strong call-to-action. After you do that, remove unnecessary distractions and put your landing page to the test,

Let me know if you have any further tips for landing pages. I would love to hear from you in the comments section and help each other create the best landing page for 2021.


Alex Souchoroukof is a content writer at Moosend. He leaped faith in the digital marketing world from an architecture background and has never looked back. You will find him traveling in places around the world in his free time. Find out more on LinkedIn.

The post How to Craft a Landing Page that Converts in 2021 appeared first on SiteProNews.

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